Thursday, April 30, 2009


this week the fashion icon is James Dean. He tottally embodies the swag necessary to pull a look off. Notice and pay special attention how his clothes are an extension of his personal style. The clothes fit appropriately, because if they were too tight it would mean he was tryin too hard and if they were fallin off of him it would mean he didn't give a f***. Which brings me to gist of this whole thing....BALANCE. Balance lets you walk the line. You don't have to go buy the most expensive items nor do you have to stand in the mirror at the clothes store tryin to be super sexy. Just be conscience of how comfortable u are in it and if u are wearing Warren Sapp's hand me down's (unless u are actually 500 lbs). Thats the advantage of being a man!!! All we gotta do is be 'cool'. Let the chicks worry 24/7 about the fit of the jeans and squeezing Oprah's chest into Rhianna's button up. Even if you don't know who the hell James Dean is, go check up on him. He's the 'it' actor dude from waaay back. But style is timeless so thats why he still relevant. Yall youngins do ya homework. Until Next Time Rememba. continue to make that loud silence

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