Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I been moving along tryin to put yall on game but i failed to mention one of the most important aspects of the hustle game. What im talkin bout is Focus, without an incredible amount of focus and consistency you may as well throw in tha towel. This was brought to mind yesterday after I found myself on the wrong end of a business deal. I left tha spot feelin like 'fuck it!' ima get it how i live, then it hit me like damn i almost fell off track. I regrouped, put somethin in tha air, relieved a lil stress, and got back to tha drawin board. People you got to stay on your GRIND!!, you cannot afford to adopt some one elses. your success hinges on a concentrated effort. not to say that it isn't smart to diversify, but master one discipline before moving on to the next. lets go

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