Monday, September 24, 2012

Politics From The Corner: Run Dolo

Earlier this week wifey copped me a shirt that read 'Run Dolo'. I thought a lil deeper on this saying and its implications because u can't do anything solo. I thought about it and how it pertains to my hu$tle and my grind. In my early 20s I imagined a scenario where me and "my niggas" would grind, stack paper up, and eat. I never had the gift of discernment so who ever was in my circle was my team. To me, a team focused on a goal was the path to the American Dream. But like the time old saying goes "the devil is in the details". Never thought twice about team dynamics or anything about personnel contribution/value. When I set out on my path to assemble a team and start my entrepreneurial endeavors, I made a lot of assumptions. Some of my False assumptions include 1.people want money 2. People "get" the big picture 3. People will concentrate their focus and work.... I use the term people b/c my team was as randomly selected as it could be. Long story short, the project imploded. On my part due to a lack of foundation and fore planning and my team was in every direction but up. And this is what lead me here; feeling that a team has to carefully chosen, the leader has to have a plan prior to any move, and the ambitious trial and error strategy is only for savvy business men with actual business acumen. So until circumstance or God Almighty sends U fool team of go-getters its best to RUN DOLO.

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