Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Politics From The Corner: Finance Your Dream

So readers could you define the American dream? I'm plenty educated with a healthy amount of ambition, but the system seems to have predetermined career destinations for the qualified black male. Government agencies, mid-level management, or a lower rung of a logistics operation are typical positions we fall into. As we seek fulfillment from such mundane roles, complacency sets in and reality is ain't no corporate body electing us to run these companies. So where is our top? Where are the fruits of the 30 years we contributed to the company? Let me answer that, foooogetaboutit!
Our W has always come from entrepreneurial endeavors! So my agenda has always been to attain the education&experience to get IN and make the money to get OUT. And ultimately we gotta build infrastructure and create inroads for the youth, cuz most our young don't even have a blueprint to follow so they major influence is these dumbass rappers and sell out athletes (eg. Charles Barkley & Micheal Jordan) ....If we shoulder the weight of our ancestors and push our own agenda I believe we can make this black race one of sustenance. We need to present a unified front to see any real change. I'm not even talkin fighting the power I'm sayin "fuck" the power lets go make that shit ourselves. Go look up the word 'Autonomy' and lets go after it. If u can dig that then u can understand my idea/concept of the Black Republic

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