Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Politics from the Corner: You Rebelling against society? The system? Or yourself?

I work as a site manager for a security company. I am also employed as a bouncer at a gentleman's club. In addition, i am a student working towards my MBA, father (active), and husband....aka I do a lot of shit. Life for me is pretty simple, i want to position myself to make a good salary and raise my chirren. I was fired from my last gig but it didnt make me lose hope in seeing a Win on my terms one day. Just sitting around was never my style, or being stuck in lower-middle class purgatory. When I'm out in the city, I see blacks in droves working in a service capacity or in a labor intensive blue collar role. Last night I saw a televised news report about the Dekalb County employees being underpaid and being paid less than when they started, some claiming 10+ years of service, my question is: how the fuck you sit on that dum ass job for 10years with out promotion or more education then when u started. On the other hand, I see many adult aged blacks wondering aimlessly in the streets, I suspect due to some type of drug addiction....this brings me to my point, what the fuck we doin? I know we run into bad luck but how are we this fucked up where u only see us in the section 8 line, we fill up the county jails (even in white counties), and we are the most reviled group in the atl metropolitan area. It is my belief that this is a percentage the fault of the system and a larger percentage our own fault. I work at the villages of carver off pryor rd (formerly carver homes), the city invested millions to rebuild that community through reconstruction of the local schools, living quarters, and adding a recreation facility. But of course, as you know, the area remains one of the most poverty stricken and crime ridden in the city. We shun education and any forms of civility but rather live like savages. And you can't blame it on the distribution of wealth, because I know middle class individuals that prefer welfare over employment, prefer to sit at home all day, prefer to pursue pussy over a living, prefer intoxication over a sober mind (I'm talkin for 75% of a day). I don't know where I'll end up but I damn sure know bullshittin won't land me where I want. you ask me I think niggaz is hidin behind thuggin as a reason to be lazy. Real talk my nigha I will rake yards before I sit at a gas station and bum cigarettes or ask a mofo for some spare change. Before I get into the grind series of this section I just wanted to plant a seed in my readers mind. Life is big business, in a minute we gone be boxed into a real fucked up position, and that's word to Romney

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